
Monday, January 6, 2014

40 Day Fast

Well I know that it's been 7 months since my last post. Life has been a wonderful roller coaster with God this year and I'm ready to take on 2014. To start out the year I will be doing a 40 day fast with my church (I can't tell you how much I LOVE my church!). Here is what I will be fasting for the next 40 days.

  • Days 1-10 (January 6-15) No secular media, no meats & sweets 
  • Days 11-20 (January 16-25) No secular media, 1 meal a day 
  • Days 21-30 (January 26- February 4) No secular media, no meats & sweets 
  • Days 31-40 (February 5-14) No secular media, 1 meal a day

What is Fasting? To fast simply means to voluntarily abstain from eating and/or drinking, certain foods, and/or certain activities/items for an extended period of time.

Biblical fasting is a discipline of voluntarily denying one's self in order to be available for prayer and communion with the Lord. Since it is an ultimate act of self-denial, you are simply entering into an intense training in righteousness.

As a church will be giving up the following for the next 40 days:

All forms of secular media (movies, TV and music)
Meats & sweets (days 1-10, 21-30)
1 meal a day (Days 11-20, 31-40). You can either fast one meal a day or only eat one meal a day.

It is also encouraged that those participating in the fast ask and listen to the Holy Spirit about giving up other things for the duration of the fast such as (but not limited to…):
  • Caffeine or caffeinated drinks 
  • Breads, starches, gluten, and/ or processed flour 
  • Dairy 
  • All media (no TV, movies, or music) 
  • Talk or sports radio 
  • Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc) 
  • Time wasting websites. games, and/ or apps 
  • Video games 
  • Alcohol 
  • Worry, negativity, complaining, or stress 
  • Eating out 
  • Extra spending 
  • Anything that negatively affects your health 
  • Anything that negatively affects your finances 
  • Anything that negatively affects your relationship with your spouse 
  • Anything that negatively affects your relationship with your kids/ family 
The discipline of fasting is designed to separate you from your perceived life support so you can focus exclusively on the Lord, your actual life support. It is during this time of abstinence from food and other activities that you are to spend time seeking the Lord in Bible study, prayer and meditation. Fasting is one discipline Jesus promised would bring about supernatural results.

Consider joining me? I will be sharing a daily devotional that has a Scripture reading, prayer focus, and Scripture meditation. I will also share what I feel like the Lord is saying to me, teaching me, and healing me of during this time.

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